Monday, November 27, 2023

Read through the Bible in 2024

 Although I do not do this every year, part of my devotional reading is often reading through the entire Bible in a year. This is a great discipline, especially if you've never done it before. I have never once read through the entire Bible without learning something new.

When I first recommend this discipline to others I'm often told that they see no way to read through the Bible in a year. They are surprised when I tell them it can be done simply by reading just three chapters a day. Three chapters a day often doesn't take more than 15-20 minutes to read, but think of the difference it could make in your life.

I will admit that there are some rough chapters to read. The books of Numbers and Leviticus are not exciting books to read, but even those books can teach us more about God. Some of the historical books can also get a little boring, but even they contain nuggets of helpful information. You will be surprised at some of the insights God will reveal to you when you commit to reading the Bible in a year.

There's no single right way to do this. What I do when I commit to reading through the Bible that year is to buy a version of the Bible I haven't read before. This helps keep the reading fresh. It also opens up new understandings as I am reading a translation for the first time. I typically read only translations, not paraphrases although one year I chose to read The Message Bible for my devotions. As long as one knows it is a paraphrase and not a translation I see no problem reading it for devotional purposes. 

Regardless of the version you decide to read, make sure it is readable. Some print in Bibles is too small or too faint to be comfortable to read. If it's not comfortable to read you are less likely to read it. Spend a little more to buy a Bible you will enjoy reading. It will be a great investment.

I place my Bible in my study with my other devotional materials. When I get up in the morning I fix a pot of coffee and go to the study. There I can do my devotional reading with no distractions. Once I complete my devotions I'm ready to face the world.

Many times I've invited people to read through the Bible in a year, and many have responded that doing so was one of the best decisions they had ever made. Some did it as a family while most did it individually. Some people struggle with reading due to eyesight issues, and they have downloaded a version that someone read to them. This works well, too. The important thing is to spend time in God's Word to learn more about Him and His will for your life.

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