Wednesday, November 22, 2023

It's time to come home

 The biblical story of the Prodigal Son is one of my favorite Bible stories. Like many of us, this individual decided to try everything the world had to offer, and he found it wasn't enough. It wasn't long until he had spent his entire inheritance, lost all his friends, and found himself in a pigpen. Not a good place for a good Jewish boy. Many of us have found ourselves in life's pigpens because of choices we have made. We thought we were enjoying the good life until we learned the good life promised more than it could deliver. At the end of the day we were in the pigpen of life. We looked in the mirror and didn't like what we saw. We laid down at night trying to sleep, but all we could do was replay the bad decisions over and over again we had made. Some, seeing no way out, sink into deep depression, and a few may even consider taking their lives to make the pain go away. There is a better way.

In the story of the Prodigal Son we read that "he came to himself." He remembered that in his father's house the servants had plenty to eat. Maybe he no longer deserved to be considered his father's son, but perhaps his father would take him back as one of the servants. He began to return home, and when he was close enough for his father to recognize him, the father ran to him, embraced him and welcomed him back as his son.

You can also return home. Maybe you have wandered far from God in the choices you have made, and wonder if God would ever accept you. The answer is yes! Just as the father in our biblical story was looking for his son, God is always looking for anyone who wants to come to Him. Contrary to what some might tell you, God does not hate you for the choices you've made in life. He loves you. He wants you to come to Him, and when you do He will welcome you with open arms. If you will but ask, God will forgive you of all your sins and receive you into His forever family.

For anyone who might be reading my blog for the first time, I recently started as the Transitional Pastor of North Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Indiana. Individuals who are ready to return home to God are exactly the persons we want to reach. We could care less about your past. We are only interested in helping you move into a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We don't care about your background, the choices you made in the past or the struggles you may be facing now. We are interested in you. God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there. We feel the same way.

If you are ready to come home, but aren't sure how, please contact me through this blog. If you live in the area and want to attend our worship service, it begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning. I would love to know you and answer any questions you might have about how to experience God in a fresh, new way. You are loved, by God and by me.

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