Thursday, April 30, 2020

Is the church no longer essential?

All across the nation governors have decided what essential businesses could remain open during this pandemic. They have decided that churches are not essential and banned Christians from gathering together for worship. At the same time, abortion clinics remained open as did liquor stores, pet supply stores, supermarkets and big box stores. As restrictions are beginning to be lifted, it's interesting that barber shops, tattoo parlors and other similar businesses will be allowed to reopen before churches.

Churches have responded to these restrictions in various ways. Many began airing their worship services on social media and YouTube while others held drive in worship services. In some locations, local officials even tried to ban the drive in services. The mayor of Louisville tried to stop drive in services on Easter but was overruled by a federal judge who ruled the ban was "beyond all reason, unconstitutional." Legal battles have also been held in other states.

When times get challenging people often turn to their faith for support and hope. It happens during war times, depressions, and other catastrophic events. After 9/11 many churches were filled with anxious people. However, in this pandemic the government has made every effort to keep people from looking to the church. Rather, they want people to look to the government for the answers to their concerns and fears. Every day governors and the president gets on TV to give the latest statistics and tell people what they are doing to protect them. Likewise, every day the politicians point fingers at one another blaming each other for problems they've encountered in this pandemic. At the same time, they have restricted the voice of the church. The message is clear: The government will save you; church is irrelevant.

I've been encouraged by how churches have responded. Many had never aired a worship service online before, but they quickly learned how to do so and now send their services into homes throughout the nation. Churches have developed food banks where people can drive by and pick up needed groceries and have church members leave boxes of food on their front porch. Leaders of children's ministries are ministering to children online. Small groups and Sunday school classes have learned to use social media to meet and continue their studies while supporting one another.

For years, critics of the church have declared that we are irrelevant to today's culture. Government  decided we are non-essential, but we still find millions of people are looking to the church for hope and for answers to the situation in which we find ourselves. Throughout history, many people discounted the church and governments tried to shut them down. Each of these governments failed, many have fallen, and the church lived on. Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. Long after the politicians are out of office, the church will remain triumphant! Long after the critic's voices are still, the church will be standing tall!

Pastors, church leaders, keep up the good work. While some may consider you to be non-essential, the Lord is watching your faithfulness and is pleased.

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