Monday, April 20, 2020

When we can gather at church again

Yesterday was another Sunday with churches either having services over social media or in their parking lots. I watched 3 or 4 services, or at least part of them. I wanted to visit several churches that I didn't figure I would ever get to personally attend. They were good, but it wasn't like being personally present. One of these days we'll be able to meet again in our buildings. I expect many of our church buildings will be filled with people happy to be back and able to worship with their church family once again. I would think many churches are thinking about how to make that first Sunday back especially meaningful. I have an idea.

Why not invite people to come to church dressed like they were when they were watching the service these past few weeks? I see on many church websites a FAQ page, and one of the questions is "What should we wear?" The church usually tells them to come as they are. On that first Sunday back why not tell everyone to come like they were when they were watching the service on social media? You would probably see a lot of pajamas and sweats and bedheads, but it would be a lot of fun and create a truly memorable service.

This mandated quarantine has created a lot of stress in people's lives. People have been out of work, and for some, there is no guarantee their employer will be able to stay in business. Finances have been stretched to the breaking point for some. Parents have been homeschooling their kids and finding out how tough that really is. People need to have some fun. They need to laugh and do some fun stuff. Why not let that happen in your first worship service back from quarantine?

Baptist preacher Vance Havner said that too many churches start at 11:00 sharp and end at 12:00 dull. Let that not be said of your church at any time, and especially not the first Sunday we can meet again after this pandemic.

I know some stuffy churches will not want to do this. They will want everyone to have on their Sunday finest. I'm sure no one who expects that got up on Sunday morning the past few weeks, dressed in a suit and tie, and sat down in the front of the computer to follow the service. Their ability to worship was not impacted one bit by them sitting there dressed casually or even in their pj's, maybe with a cup of coffee beside them. God saw them attending virtual church like that, and to my knowledge was not the least bit offended.

I'm not saying to do this every week, but I am saying it might be fun and help break some of the tension that has been building up in people over the past couple of months. It also might let some folks who has been watching your service on social media, but does not come to your church, to understand that you're not concerned with the outward appearance of people, but that your church cares about the individual, the person inside who is troubled by life and all that has gone on during this pandemic.

Let me know how it works out for you when the time comes!

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