Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Train up a child

Last night in my library I came across an old book I had not seen in a long time. It was A Harmony of the Gospels by A. T. Robertson. Inside on the cover page was written "To Dennis Bickers - Star of his class - Jr. class 1959" and signed by the teacher. I remember when I received the book. I believe it was for winning the Sword Drills that was popular back then for children's classes. Finding this book brought back a lot of memories.

In Proverbs 22: 6 we read "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." This is a verse that is often quoted, and misquoted. It does not necessarily mean that the child will always stay on the right path. Many godly parents have tried to raise their children in the Lord only to see them make different choices later in life. In fact, that is exactly what I did.

Like many young people raised in church there came a time when I didn't need God or the church or the teachings I had been taught as a younger child. I wanted to experience life on my terms, and I did. Growing up in the 1960s gave me many opportunities to experience life. So did my stint in the Navy. Now, don't get me wrong. I didn't make some of the choices others my age did, and I certainly didn't doubt the existence of God. I was just a good old boy who wanted to live life on my terms.

That came to an end toward my late 20s when I found myself in a rather difficult situation with no solution in sight. I realized that living life on my terms wasn't working out so well. To make a long story short, I turned back to my childhood faith and invited Christ to be my Lord and Savior. I've been living for Him ever since and have found that it is the only way to enjoy life as it is meant to be.

But...what if I had not had that early childhood training in church, in Sunday school, in VBS? What if my parents had been like many parents today who don't take their children to church but claim that they will let them make those types of choices on their own when they get older? How can they make a choice for God when they've never been exposed to God or the teachings of the Bible? What will happen to them when life begins to press down on them as it did me?  I had something to come back to; many young people today won't because they've not had the training I experienced as a child.

I realize it was probably easier in 1959. There was nothing happening Sundays and Wednesday nights except church activities. Today there are dozens of sports events and other activities that pull families away from church on those days. Back then it was acceptable, and in many places expected, that you would be in church on Sundays and Wednesdays. Today people look at you sideways if you say you are going to attend a church service. Just because it might have been easier back then doesn't mean it's not just as important today to raise children to know God and the Scriptures. In fact, with the abundance of temptations out there for young people today it may be even more important. The world today is an evil, scary place for persons who are not morally grounded.

As church leaders we need to do whatever we can to offer the very best training for our children and youth that we can. The day may come when they turn away from it, but there may also come a day when they come back to it.

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