Monday, March 2, 2020

Check out my books

I've tried to not call attention to the books I've written too often, but I suppose I should remind my readers that I have published eight books. These books are written especially for bivocational and small church leaders. Some are no longer in print, but are still available through Amazon, but most of them are available through your local Christian book store, Amazon, CBD and through this site. You'll see a list of the books in the right-hand column.

I also have an eBook that I wrote that addresses small business. As some of you know from reading this blog, for a number of years I owned and managed a small business. We eventually had to close the business which was one of the hardest things I've ever done. One reason it was so hard was because I felt much of the reason we closed it was due to mistakes I had made.

I find that most bivocational ministers are entrepreneurial by nature which means that some will own small businesses which they will operate in addition to their ministries. I wrote Mistakes: Avoiding the Wrong Decisions That Will Close Your Small Business to help small business owners avoid the mistakes I made. The book sells for only $4.99 which is a small price to pay to avoid mistakes that could hurt your business. Believe me, it will be much easier for you to learn from my mistakes than to make them yourself! If you prefer using a NOOK device it is also available through Barnes and Noble.

Each of these books were written to add value to the reader.  Check them out, and if you think they will be helpful to you and your ministry, I hope you'll consider buying them.

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