Friday, June 14, 2019

Where there is a will...

Since my desktop crashed I've been using a laptop while waiting on my new computer to arrive. There are many things I dislike about this laptop, but the one biggest complaint I have is that my cursor keeps jumping around on the screen while I'm trying to type. I've tried the fixes suggested by people online, but none of them has helped. It has taken at least three times longer to type anything because I have to keep watching the screen to make sure I'm typing where I'm supposed to. It's almost been enough to make a cursor out of me!

A few minutes ago I thought of something I should have realized from day 1. My computer keyboard works just fine. I plugged it into the laptop, and now I'm typing without any problems at all! At my age I guess I should expect to be a little slow on the uptake.

I was about to give up trying to write anything until I got my new computer set up, but it isn't expected to be delivered for several more days. I was determined to not let the problems with the laptop stop me from doing what I wanted to do, and finally a solution presented itself.

This is an important lesson for anyone in ministry. It doesn't take long in ministry to realize that most things are not going to go as you want. We have an enemy that will try to put roadblocks in front of us to bring our work to a halt or at least slow it down. The key is to not allow that to happen. Just keep plugging away. Stay determined. If your first attempt doesn't work, try something new. Eventually a solution will present itself. Often, it will seem so simple that you'll wonder why you didn't think of it earlier. Don't worry about it. You have the solution now so make the best of it.

A church wanted to build on to their facility but needed additional land for their septic system. For two years they tried to buy a small corner of a field adjacent to the church, but the owner would not sell it. It appeared the church would not be able to go forward until someone asked if the landowner would lease them the land for their septic system. When approached he readily agreed to a very small fee for a 99 year lease. The septic system was moved, and the new addition was built.

If God has given you a vision for ministry do not let temporary roadblocks derail you. If you have a will to succeed God will provide the way.

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