Monday, June 10, 2019

Bad weekend

This past weekend was not one of my best. While putting information about my upcoming auction June 18 online Friday I realized I had deleted all the pictures of the items I was selling from the computer. When I tried to recover them my computer shut down and refused to start back up. Saturday morning I called my IT person who checked it out all morning with the news that it was toast. Not only could he not get the computer to restart, he could not salvage my files from the hard drive. A little further checking revealed a broken chip on the motherboard that probably messed the hard drive up. There was nothing to do but order a new computer and say good-by to all my files and pictures. I had thought I was backing things up to a thumb drive, but when it was installed in my laptop it was corrupted. I did manage to save a few items from it, but not much.

This scenario is a lot like people's lives. They think they are doing the right thing until life crashes around them, and then they realize they were not adequately prepared for the storms that come into every life. I thought I had backed up my files. It wasn't until they were gone that I realized I had not. People think they are living their lives they way they should until they realize they are not. Sometimes, by then, it's too late to do anything about it. My laptop is a poor substitute for my desktop computer. Anything other than a relationship with Christ is a poor substitute for the real thing.

Jesus made it clear that storms would come into every life. Only those whose lives are built upon a solid foundation will survive when the storms come. That foundation is a relationship with Jesus Christ. It's not membership in a church. It's not trying to follow certain rules. It's not being religious or "spiritual." Only when one has a relationship with Christ can one withstand the storms that will come into every life. The time to make sure you have that relationship is before the storms come.

You can be positive that I will make sure that I have backups of all my files on the new computer. You need to be positive that your relationship with Jesus Christ is what is needs to be. Otherwise, when things crash you may realize that you were not prepared.

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