Friday, March 1, 2024

The challenge facing Christian conservatives

 Os Guiness points out in The Global Public Square that "In 2010, for the first time, the United States moved into the top sixteen countries of the world where there was a rise in both government restrictions and social hostility toward religion." That is a staggering announcement that shows how far we have come in America as a nation that was founded on Christian values and teaching to where we are today. Conservatives, both political and religious, are under increased attack by many of our political leaders and the "woke" crowd in Hollywood and throughout the nation. The Cancel Culture is doing all it can to silence conservatives in the public square, and the courts often support their efforts.

Maybe this is one reason we see fewer and fewer people attending our worship services. When so many in the media focus on negative happenings in the church world, and so many are arguing against the core values of the Christian faith, and so many are working to promote their progressive agenda and the courts are making legal the very activities the Bible teaches us is wrong, it become easy to understand why people fail to see the importance of faith and the church in their lives.

Recently, I was watching a documentary of Nazi Germany and saw the Jews forced to wear a yellow star on their back so everyone would know they were Jews. At the time, I wondered if the time would come when Christians would be forced to wear a cross on their backs to make it easy to identify them. Perhaps that is far-fetched. Perhaps not. We live in a society that is growing in its dislike for Christianity. I see things happening in our world that I never dreamed would ever happen. So maybe my thoughts are no so far-fetched after all.

We have yielded too much ground to the woke progressive crowd. We have allowed them to have a much louder voice than they deserve, and it's time we answer back. If we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we need to make sure people know that. It's not enough to just proclaim it within our churches to those who already believe what we believe. The public square is as much ours as it is theirs, and it's time we reclaim our part of it.

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