Monday, August 5, 2024

Ministry change

 For most of the past year I have served as the Transitional Pastor of North Madison Baptist Church in my hometown of Madison, IN. Yesterday, at a specially called business meeting, the church voted to call me as their pastor. This is a great church that will celebrate it's 175th anniversary in November, and we are already working on that celebration. It is a church with a rich history, but I truly believe its best days are still ahead. I am excited to be a part of that future.

I will remain as a bivocational pastor as I will continue to operate my auctioneering business. We offer an online auction every two weeks with an occasional live auction. This alone keeps my wife and me busy, but it has not interfered with my pastoral ministry.

These past few months at the church have been exciting. Our mission offerings have increased substantially over past years. Our offerings have remained strong. We have introduced some videos for our specials that are not found in traditional Baptist hymnals, and these have been well received. We have a new website that will be released online any day now that will give us the opportunity to post our services and keep the community informed of special events at the church. We held a "Big Event" on Mother's Day that was well attended. At that event we passed out copies of The Case for Christ to every family present. We are installing new carpet for the steps coming into the church with plans to replace those steps perhaps next year and add a new ramp at the same time. A number of people have returned to the church who have not been attending since Covid. Our Leadership Team and I have been discussing some new ministries that will allow us to minister to more people in the Madison and Jefferson Country community. As you can see, this transitional time has been productive. We give God praise for this!

We want to invite all our members to join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30. Some have not been back since Covid. Others have left for other reasons. It's a new day at North Madison Baptist Church! God is leading us forward, and we want you to be a part of it.

We also want to invite everyone who does not have a church home to check us out. I think you'll like what you'll see. We are still growing in some areas, but you can help us with that growth.

Finally, I have been in the office most Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 12:00. I plan to continue that and to add Friday mornings to that schedule as well. If you want to meet me at those times, please call me at 812-599-5599  to make sure I'll be there.

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