Monday, August 26, 2024

Knowing God

 How well do you know God? Can you describe His attributes? Perhaps more importantly, do you know what His attributes mean to you? On September 8 we will begin a new series of messages at North Madison Baptist Church to help answer some of those questions.

Numerous studies over the past several years has shown that many Christians have a very incomplete understanding of God. Many Christians cannot answer even basic questions related to biblical teaching, and many struggle to explain the nature of God to others. As a result, many Christians have a very shallow faith and are unwilling to attempt to share their faith with others.

In this six-week series starting September 8 we will explore some of the attributes of God. Obviously, we cannot cover all His attributes in only six weeks, but this will be a start. Not only will we explain particular attributes, we will show what those attributes mean to us. For example, one of His attributes we will examine is his omniscience. This means He knows all things, but what does that mean for us? Actually, as I will point out in the message, it offers us hope and comfort, but it also serves as a warning.

We are making the start of this series a Big Event and asking our members to invite their unchurched friends to attend our worship service during this series. Each person or family who attends on September 8 will receive a copy of the excellent book In Search of Christ by Lee Strobel. Strobel wrote this book after his wife became a Christian. As an atheist he wanted to find evidence that Christianity was not true. He was an award-winning journalist at the time and felt his skills in journalism would lead him to the truth. It did, but it wasn't the truth he sought. After interviewing people about the claims of Christianity he discovered that the evidence was overwhelming that Christianity was true and became a Christian. He is now a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. It is an excellent book for anyone wanting to honestly explore the claims of Christianity.

We want to help people want to help people experience a meaningful, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to help people grow in this faith, and this series of messages on the attributes of God is just one step in this process. Please mark your calendars for the six weeks starting with September 8 and plan on joining us for these special messages. Our worship service begins at 10:30.

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