Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fine tuning of the universe

For the past three nights we've watched the International Space Station fly past our house. Last night was the best viewing as it lasted for 6 minutes. Since it was a nice evening we went out a little early and was able to watch three satellites pass over as well. I never watch the space station fly over without thinking about how much this is evidence of the existence of God.

Apologists provide several such evidences, but for me the strongest is the fine-tuning of the universe. At any time of the day, scientists can tell where the space station will be, where the various planets and stars will appear in the sky, when an eclipse will occur and how long it will last, and even more. The fact they can so precise with their information is because God created our universe with such precision and order.

Scientists also tell us that everything necessary to sustain life on planet earth is in exact proportion to what is needed. Without going into detail, if any of these elements was off by very little, life could not exist as we know it. Does anyone truly believe that a Big Bang could have created a universe so perfectly ordered? While the fine-tuning of the universe does not provide absolute proof that God exists, it does strongly suggest that this universe is the work of a Divine Creator who most of us know as God. I would think that it would require much more faith to believe that all that exists in our universe was created by chance than by a God.

I recently read an interesting question. If the first travelers to Mars were to arrive and find a house in a bubbled environment perfectly suited to their living needs, would anyone believe that such accommodations simply occurred by accident? Or, would it be more likely that someone had gone before and created a place for them that would be ready for them when they arrived? I think most people would accept the latter explanation. Why, then, are so many people wanting to reject the belief that God created this universe perfectly designed for us?

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