Thursday, December 10, 2020

What is the vision you have for your church?

Many people are glad to see 2020 come to an end. When someone mentioned to me how happy she was that this year was about over I asked her if she was certain that 2021 would be any better. We assume that turning the calendar over to a new year is going to make things any better. It's not likely that Covid-19 will disappear on January 1. It appears the nation will have new leadership in 2021, and that always brings about a measure of uncertainty. If 2020 has taught us anything it is that we can take nothing for granted and that we have much less control over our lives than we previously thought.

However, there is one thing we do not want to do, and that is to simply drift through 2021 and take whatever it gives us. We need a plan, a vision for ministry as we approach the new year. Admittedly, that vision may have to be altered occasionally as we are confronted with changes that occur, but it's much better to have a vision going forward than it is to not have one. What is your vision for your church for the coming year and beyond?

A vision gives us the ability to shape our future instead of just accepting whatever the future wants to give us. If I have a vision to be out of debt by the end of the year, and I've identified the steps needed to achieve that, I will live my life in a way that will enable me to get out of debt. 

The mission of the church is the same for every church. It is found in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The vision for the church is how will it go about fulfilling that mission, and that vision will be different for every church. Churches are made up of different people with different gifts ministering in different communities with different needs. Therefore, the vision will be different for each church.

Vison is not something that is simply determined by the leadership. The congregation needs to be involved in a vision discernment process. Out of that process we can prayerfully begin to discern what God's vison for the church is. His vision is the only one that really matters.

Without a vision our churches will be buffeted back and forth by the winds of change. With a vision we can be intentional and purposeful as we move into the new year. We have a destination in mind and a plan for how to achieve it.   

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