Thursday, January 31, 2019

How the post-truth culture impacts the church

Many now say we have moved from a postmodern society to a post-truth society. Postmodernism believes that there is no absolute truth. According to postmodern thinkers you can have your truth and they can have their truth, and both can be true even if they contradict each other. Elementary logic teaches that cannot be correct, but why let logical thinking stand in the way of a worldview?

But now we have slid into becoming a post-truth society. This philosophy doesn't necessarily discount absolute truth, but makes it less important than one's personal preferences. If the facts supports one's preferences and opinions, good, but if not then thost facts are considered offensive. This mindset has become so pervasive in today's culture that in 2016 a major dictionary named "post-truth" as its word of the year.

We certainly see plenty of evidences of post-truth thinking in today's political arena. One freshman House member was recently called out for her factual mistakes. She responded that moral truth was more important than factual truth. To her, and countless others of her generation, facts are not important if they get in the way of their preferences. Unfortunately, this is only one example of this type of thinking coming out of Washington today.

Post-truth thinking is also seen in much of the discussion around gender issues, sexual issues, the latest decisions regarding abortion, and many other topics impacting our nation today. In each of these issues many refuse to let facts stand in the way of their preferences, and anyone who dares talk about the facts will be accused of offensive language and attitudes.

Unfortunately, we find this same mindset in too many churches. To preach the Word of God is to offend many people. These people do not go to church to hear what God has to say about how we live our lives; they go to have their preferences approved. How many times have you heard someone say, "Well, I know the Bible says..., but I THINK or I BELIEVE...?" At that point you know they don't really care what God's Word has to say on any topic because if it contradicts their preferences they are going to reject it anyway.

This is why it is so difficult to help our church members grow as disciples. It's why so many churches and denominations cannot take a biblical stand on the issues of the day. Too many of their members elevate their personal preferences over the clear teaching of the Scriptures.

What do we do in the midst of a post-truth culture? In the political and social arena we must refuse to allow people to ignore the facts. Just because someone says they believe one thing doesn't mean the discussion has ended. We need to keep insisting that the truth be heard whether people want to hear it or not. We also need to stop electing people to office who want to pass laws based on their preferences while ignoring the facts of the matter.

In the church we need to keep preaching and teaching the truth. We need to be clear about what the Scriptures say about the social issues of the day. Some won't like it because it will violate their preferences, and some may even leave. But, if the church cannot take a biblical stand for truth what organization will? The church has been called to be a light in the midst of darkness. I don't think anyone can deny our society is growing darker. It's time we let the light of truth begin to shine.

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