Friday, September 7, 2018

Treasures that aren't

I was recently asked by a couple if I would sell some items for them at auction. When I asked what they had they told me they had a little bit of everything: antiques, glassware, a lot of old stuff. I had them give me their address and made arrangements to meet the next day. It wasn't until I checked out the address that I learned they lived over an hour away from my house.

The next day I drove to their home to look at the items they wanted to sell. Unfortunately, what they had were inexpensive items that would not bring much at auction. It's always hard for me to tell people that, but as I explained to the couple I would rather tell them upfront rather than explain it as I hand them a disappointing check. They would get far more for their items by having yard sales than trying to sell them at auction.

Driving back I thought about how this would have made a great illustration for the last sermon I preached at the church I served as Transitional Pastor. My message looked at the Pearl of Great Price and dealt with how many people are willing to settle for things of lesser value rather than seeking the truly valuable.

A relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the Pearl of Great Price. Like the pearl merchant in the parable, we have to be willing to trade everything we have in order to enjoy this relationship, but it is well worth it. Nothing is more valuable in this life than a personal relationship with God, and nothing else prepares us for an eternity with Him when this life ends.

Yet, many people want to hold on to lesser things than to possess the greatest relationship they could ever know. They tightly cling to their material possessions, their dreams, their addictions, even their heartaches. They work their entire lives for pebbles when the Pearl of Great Price is available to them.

Since becoming an auctioneer I have been surprised by what people seek and cling to, and I've been even more surprised by the value they place on those things. Whether you amass gold bars or trinkets, it's all just stuff that you'll leave behind when you die. You won't find a hearse pulling a U-Haul. It will all be left for people to either fight over or throw out. The only thing that really matters in one's personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Without that you face a godless eternity when your life here ends, but with that relationship you are assured of eternity in heaven.

What are you seeking? What do you value more than anything else? If you want to know more about having a relationship with God please DM me. I would love to talk to you about it.

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