Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Prayers for those impacted by the hurricane

Hurricane Florence is predicted to cause great damage over the next few days and impact millions of people in the southeastern United States. Interstates are full of people leaving their homes to avoid this category 4 hurricane not knowing what they will find when they return. The military is flying their aircraft stationed in the area and taking them to other air bases. Navy ships are leaving the Hampton Roads area in Virginia to avoid the hurricane.

At a time when our nation is so bitterly divided, surely we can come together to pray for those whose lives are going to be impacted by this hurricane. Although there is a mandatory evacuation in the areas most likely to be hit, some will not leave which might lead to loss of life. Certainly, homes are going to be destroyed. First responders are going to be at risk. We've seen in recent years the impact these hurricanes can have. Can we put aside our differences long enough to pray for those in the path of the hurricane?

Can we spend the next few days supporting those who will be responding to the crisis caused by the storm instead of looking for ways to criticize? I'm sure mistakes will be made. Things will be missed. The potential area that will be affected is huge, and not everything can be addressed at once.

I remember 17 years ago after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers there was a call for the nation to unite. The unity lasted a few days at most before political pundits began criticizing President Bush and others for their actions that day and the days following. Even today, rather than honoring those who who lost their lives and the ones who responded so heroically, there are some who want to use the anniversary of this horrible event to continue to divide our nation and attack our current leadership.

As this storm nears our coast line let's determine now to respond to the aftermath with unity and compassion for those directly impacted. Disaster relief organizations will need our dollars to help people rebuild their lives. Many denominations are gearing up to minister to the people in the path of the storm, and they need our financial support as well. Our prayers are greatly needed, and surely we can agree to pray for those who live in the areas that will be hit by the hurricane.

For once, can we just stop the political rhetoric and come together as a nation to serve those who are going to need our help?

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