Thursday, July 4, 2024

The burden of proof

Many Christians are intimidated by those who question or doubt our beliefs. One reason many never share their faith with an unbeliever is because the person may challenge their beliefs or ask questions they cannot answer. This is one reason Christians should be growing in their knowledge of what the Bible teaches and how to defend their beliefs. There is another effective way to address those questions and doubts, and that is to shift the burden of proof to the doubter.

Let's use evolution as an example. As Christians we believe that God created the universe and all that is within it. However, you meet someone who does not accept the creation story and insists that the universe came into existence due to a big bang and then evolution took over to create all living things. You feel challenged to prove this person wrong but do not know how to do so. What can you do?

One, is to begin studying everything you can about the fine tuning of the universe. Once you learn that life exists on this planet we call earth due to numerous factors that, if they varied by a marginal amount, would not sustain life as we know it, you will be ready to counter the attacks against creation.

The other thing you can do is to refuse to allow yourself to be put on the defensive and assume that you must prove your belief in creation. Ask the critic to share the titles of four or five books they've read that defend the Christian viewpoint on creation and what did they find to be the best three or four arguments that opposed their beliefs. Chances are you will find they've never read anything that challenged their views on creation vs evolution. They are simply repeating what some college professor taught them or the author of some article that wanted to denounce Christianity. Place the burden of proof on them. Make them defend their beliefs. Few will be able to do so.

The best response is a combination of both. Christians need to be able to defend their beliefs; this is called apologetics. Scripture teaches us that we are to always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in you. That word hope in the Greek is apologia which is where we get the world apologetics. The fine tuning of the universe is an excellent way to defend your belief that God created the world in which we live. I should note that such an argument does not prove the existence of God; it makes it more likely that God exists and that He did, in fact, create our universe. The uninformed arguments most people will make opposing creation will not stand up to the fine-tuning of the universe. If your friend still refuses to accept the creation theory it will not be based upon actual facts but because he or she does not want such a God to exist.

Never allow the burden of proof to be placed on you, and never be afraid to share your Christian beliefs with others.  

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