Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Is your church ready to minister to the world of today?

The book publishing world has changed a great deal in the past few years. It took me about three years from the time of writing to the publication of my first book. After that one was released, it was much easier to find a publisher for my next books. In fact, one publisher even asked me to write a book for them to publish. This is not the case today, at least for many authors.

Few publishers will even consider a manuscript or book proposal that comes to them from the author. They require an agent representing the author to present them with a book proposal. Despite contacting virtually every agent who represents Christian authors, I could not find anyone who would consider a book proposal for my latest book. It seems the content is not as important as the number of people who follow you on social media. One website offered two boxes in which you could contact them. One was for people who had social media followers over 10,000 and the other was for those who had less than 10,000 followers. Needless to say, I never heard from that organization when I checked the one with the fewer number of followers.

I share this with you because I decided to self-publish the book on Amazon for the Kindle platform. The problem with doing this is that the books get lost in the tens of thousands of other self-published books that are published on that platform. So, I decided to market the book through this blog.

The title of the book is Is Your Church Ready for Ministry in the Coming Decade?. We live in a time of cultural change that has never been seen before in the history of mankind. Values and beliefs are changing rapidly, and the church must understand these changes and speak to them if it is to have any relevancy to this current generation. The book includes 12 chapters that address some of the pressing issues of the day and offers a biblical response to each of them. Among the topics discussed are racial issues, mental illness, poverty, sexual issues, suicide, gender dysphoria and more. It is the aim of the book to present an understanding of each of these issues, why they are important for the church to address, and how to do so in a loving, non-judgmental but biblical manner. 

The book is only $6.95, and you can order it here.

If you do so, and find it helpful, please let others know about it. I believe it will help your church better minister to the issues that are causing people today so much pain and difficulty.

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