Thursday, June 6, 2024

The distracted church

 Satan has used a very simple strategy designed to keep the church from fulfilling its biblical command to make disciples of all nations and discipling them in the Christian faith (Mt. 28: 19-20). He keeps us distracted by lesser things that takes our attention off the primary work God has called us to do.

Today's political climate that has so divided our nation has also divided the church. I have known pastors who were so committed to a political party or a political platform that they divided their church even to the point that at least one person I know walked out of the service having grown tired of the political posturing of the pastor. During that pastor's tenure in that church not one person was ever baptized or led to a relationship with Jesus Christ. The same charge could be made against many other ministers and churches. They are more likely to pass out Voter Records than to share their faith with an unbeliever.

Striving to be "woke" has also become a driving force behind many churches and denominations. As some denominations change their views on various social issues in an effort to be seen as more in tune with society, they have become out of tune with God, His Word, and His calling on the church. Not only have they lost many of their current membership, they have failed to attract new people resulting in a steeper decline than they experienced before. Certainly, the church needs to address social issues of the day, but it must not allow those issues to change their theology and their call to be witnesses to the transforming power of Jesus Christ to change people's lives.

Petty disputes within denominations are another distraction for many of them and their churches. Not only do such disputes distract churches from their mission, they send a message to the unchurched public that drives them even further away from God and the church. Why would anyone want to become a Christian if that meant they would become judgmental, legalistic, and mean-spirited?

It's past time that we stop majoring on the minors and begin to focus on what really matters and what God has called us to do. Our task is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and point people to Him as the One who can transform their lives, offer forgiveness for sins and prepare them for Kingdom living.

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