Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Each of us will face eternity

Many people have the mistaken belief that this life is all there is. We are born, we die, and that's it. Those who believe this are seriously mistaken. Each of us are created as eternal beings. There will come a time when we will die, but that does not mean that is the end of our lives. While the body may die, the soul and spirit lives forever. The Bible speaks of both heaven and hell, and while many people might want to believe in heaven and not believe in hell, the Scriptures do not give us that option. Both are real, and the truth is that we will determine which will be our eternal home by the decisions we make in this lifetime.

Some state that if God is love as Christianity teaches that He could send no one to hell. These Universalists believe that when mankind is finally judged that a benevolent God will simply let everyone enter into heaven. If this is true, why did His Son, Jesus Christ, die on the cross? If His suffering and death had no purpose, why would He endure it?

However, they are true in one respect. God will send no one to hell. All those who find themselves in hell chose to be there. They made the decision, not God. You see, God has made it possible for all mankind to be saved from hell through the death of His Son on the cross. All who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Those whose eternal destination is hell chose that for themselves by their refusal to accept God's offer of salvation. God will not force anyone to believe in Him, but gives each of us free will to choose for ourselves. God has done all He needs to do. He gave His only Son to die on a cross so our sins could be forgiven. Now, it is our decision to receive that offer of salvation by trusting in Him or by rejecting Him. Accepting Him leads to salvation; rejecting Him leads to eternal separation from God.

Each of us will choose. At a revival one year a group of young people presented a skit. One person was sitting on the back of a chair which represented someone sitting on a fence. Another person was representing Jesus Christ while a third person played the part of Satan. The Satan figure kept offering the person on the fence all kinds of incentives to follow him. The Jesus figure simply held his arms out to the side representing the cross and saying "I love you." Then the Satan figure would begin again offering numerous pleasures if the person would pick him. The Jesus figure continued to hold out his arms and repeat, "I love you." The scene repeated the third time. At that moment, the person on the fence announced his decision to remain on the fence. Satan then put his arm around the person and said, "Good, I own the fence." I almost came our of my seat! You, and every person who has ever lived, will choose whether to follow Jesus Christ or Satan, and that decision will determine your eternal destination.

What choice have you made? Have you decided to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or are you still sitting on the fence refusing to decide? If you are on the fence, you have already decided because Satan owns the fence. 

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