Friday, February 17, 2023

When a church closes

 I find it interesting that we are seeing a tremendous revival taking place at Asbury University, and at the same time I see where a very nice church building is being sold at auction. According to some reports, 100 churches close their doors every week in the US. Two things strike me as interesting. One, as seen in the revival at Asbury, God is still moving in the lives of his people, and (2) there is still much work to be done for the Kingdom of God. According to research, a minimum of 80 percent of the population in every county of the US is unchurched. No church closes its doors because it has no work that it can do.

Let me quickly say that I am not being critical of this church that is selling its building at auction. Perhaps it has moved to a larger facility and was unable to sell its previous building to a private buyer. I know nothing about this church so I am not being judgmental. My prayer is that another congregation will be able to purchase this building. What I am addressing is the number of churches that closes its door each year despite the great spiritual needs that exist in this country. Why are they unable to continue to minister to their communities?

For me, the answer to that question is always that they have no vision for ministry. Where there is no vision the people perish a very wise person once wrote. Despite being in the midst of a dying, pagan world many churches have no vision for reaching out into that world. They have lived with a maintenance-mindset for so long they have no vision for ministry. Their focus as been internal for decades, and they are unable to see the needs that exist outside the four walls of their building.

As a regional leader in our denomination for 14 years I saw this all too often. Even if someone points out the ministry needs that exists around the church the congregation is unable, or unwilling, to do anything about them. They complain loudly that they are dying, nobody is coming to their services, and the denomination should do something about it, but they have no idea who lives within the shadow of their buildings or what their spiritual needs might be.

Many people are reporting that this movement of God we see at Asbury and other locations is a sign that God is about to do something mighty. Read the following words carefully...if your church isn't ready to move when God does it will be left behind. If you have no vision for ministry, and you are unable or unwilling to follow God where He is about to lead you, He will raise up other churches and abandon you. Ichabod, the glory of God has departed, will be written over your door.

Your church may not close for decades. Many churches have endowments that can carry them financially well beyond their shelf life, but if they are not in line with what God is doing, they will be little more than spiritual clubs meeting weekly to talk about the good old days. God will be elsewhere doing things your congregation said couldn't be done.

It doesn't have to happen. Experience this outpouring of God's Spirit for yourself. Capture a fresh vision from God for the future ministry of your church, and pursue it with a passion that perhaps has not characterized your church for a long time. You will be surprised what God will do.

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