Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The power of a vision

 One thing that is lacking in many churches is a fresh vision from God for the direction of the church. Too often we find ourselves content to repeat the same things over and over without ever stopping to consider if God might be leading us in a new direction. One of the things the pandemic has taught us is that if we persist in doing everything the way we've always done them we will one day find ourselves unable to do anything. Churches that never dreamed they would broadcast their services online suddenly found that was the only way many people could attend their services. To their credit, many churches quickly learned how to use the available technology to offer their worship services to their online congregation.

Vision addresses how we are going to do ministry now and in the future. It shows us the direction our journey should take to arrive at the destination God intends. Vision is not merely something a pastor or board determines, but it is to be discerned by the church with much thought and prayer. Once that vision is understood plans can be made for how to achieve it. This allows the church to focus on the things that will help it achieve its vision and eliminate the things that would distract from it.

No vision is permanent. It's important to review the church's vision every few years to make sure it is still relevant to those we seek to serve. When are good times to revisit a church's vision?

  • Any time the vision has been fulfilled. One church had a vision to build a new fellowship hall. When the building was completed and dedicated it was time for the church to seek a fresh vision.
  • Whenever a church is going through a pastoral transition. Many churches make the mistake of waiting until the new pastor arrives expecting him or her to provide a vision. It's much better to discern where God is leading the church and then calling a pastor who can help the church achieve that vision.
  • When a church finds itself becoming stale, its ministries ineffective and people becoming satisfied. All of these are sure signs that a fresh God-given vision is needed to get the church back on track of fulfilling its ministry.
  • Every 5-7 years. Even if things are going well, it's important to take a fresh look at the church's vision to make sure this is still the path God has for the church. This can be challenging because when things are good people can be reluctant to rock the boat by looking if there is something else they should be doing. Never let the good get in the way of the best, especially God's best.
As the Transitional Pastor of the church I'm now serving I will begin leading the church in a visioning process in early spring. This is a process I've used in numerous churches as a Resource Minister for our denomination. We are hoping the Covid situation lessens by spring so we can have as many people as possible attend the process. The more people who participate the better results we can expect.

How long has it been since your church has sought a fresh vision from God? I'm not talking about having a vision statement that is sitting in a dusty file somewhere on a dusty bookshelf. I'm referring to a vision that actually drives your budget, your ministries and every decision your church makes. If your church lacks such a budget, you may want to invite a denominational leader or consultant in to lead your church in such an exercise.

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