Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My first book is available as an e-book

In 2000 my first book The Tentmaking Pastor: The Joy of Bivocational Ministry was published.  At that time it was one of the few books available specifically for bivocational ministers and the churches they serve.  That book has been out of print for a few years, but the publisher has made it available on Kindle as an e-book.  You can order it here.

This book tells the story of my ministry as a bivocational pastor of a small, rural church in southern Indiana that spanned twenty years.  I share both highlights and some of the challenges we faced as well as important lessons learned about doing bivocational ministry.  That book was my first that was written especially for those who serve in smaller churches, and it made it possible for me to speak to pastor and denominational groups in the US and Canada.  It reflects some of the passion I have for bivocational ministry and those who accept God's call to such ministry.

If you are now serving as a bivocational pastor and are looking for something to encourage you, this book is a great place to start.  For those who are considering that God may be calling them to bivocational ministry, reading this book can help you make the right decision.  One reviewer of the book wrote that after reading it she had a greater appreciation for everything her pastor does and planned to look for ways to better support him in the future.

This e-book retails for only $8.99.  I don't know where you will find the encouragement and advice this book offers for such a low price.  You may want to purchase your copy of The Tentmaking Pastor today.

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