Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Personal and Family Care

Several years ago our American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky developed a training opportunity we call the Church Leadership Institute (CLI).  Over 100 lay leaders and bivocational ministers have taken advantage of this 2-3 year training program.  I teach one of the classes, "Personal and Family Care," that looks at issues such as maintaining balance in one's life, time management, priority and goal setting, family issues, and self-care.  This class will be taught at Franklin College on four Saturdays starting June 23 and ending August 4.  For more information on this course or the CLI program please go to www.abc-indiana.org and click on the Church Leadership Institute link.

One of the biggest struggles that bivocational (and many fully-funded) ministers have is trying to balance all the demands on their time.  This class is designed to help one do that.  Because of a lack of balance too many pastor's ministries end prematurely.  This doesn't have to happen.  With the tools taught in this class ministers can learn how to better manage all the things demanding their attention and enjoy long, productive ministries and have a much better relationship with their families and take better care of themselves.

At the same time, please don't think this class is only for ministers.  Many lay people struggle with good boundaries in their lives as well.  Too many are burning the candle at both ends, and if they keep doing that they will eventually find themselves consumed by the flames.  This class is just as beneficial for lay people as it is for clergy persons.

If you are in Indiana I encourage you to enroll in this class.  I believe you will find this course, and the entire CLI program, one of the best investments you will make in your life.  If you have questions, please contact me, or for more details or to register go to the above website.  I hope to see you at our next class.

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