Although this year is only a little more than half over, I already have three workshops scheduled for 2012. So far I am scheduled to be with American Baptists, United Methodists, and the Church of the Nazarene to talk with their small church leaders about small church health and transformation. These are just the confirmed workshops; I've had other contacts about possible dates for other events but nothing has been confirmed. I would like to invite you to consider hosting one of my small church/bivocational workshops in your judicatory or at your denominational event in 2012.
The most popular workshop I lead has been "
The Healthy Small Church
." This workshop has been presented in various states and in Canada for a number of different denominations. At every event participants tell me during the breaks that I have been describing their churches and given them tools they can take back to their churches to help them regain their health and begin to more effectively minister to their communities. I've been getting more requests lately for the "
Transforming the Small Church from Maintainance-Minded to Missional
" workshop. Small church leaders want to know how to help their churches escape the ruts they've been stuck in for years and become more focused on ministry. This workshop helps them do that.
I anticipate my workshop on "
The Healthy Pastor
" will soon become the most requested workshop I lead. Too many ministers are leaving the ministry because of burn-out, frustration, or personal and/or family concerns. Some denominations are beginning to recognize that if they want healthy churches they must encourage their ministers to practice good self-care. A church is unlikely to be healthier than its pastoral leadership, so it is a good investment to provide ministers the tools to ease the various pressures of ministry. This workshop does just that. More than one pastor has left this workshop telling me he or she wished they had learned the material I present earlier in their ministry.
Each of these workshops can be presented in a day-long or half-day event. I prefer the day long because it allows for more material to be covered. They can also be presented in a 60-90 minute format as an optional workshop offered during a major training event.
I personally know of very few persons who focus primarily on small church and bivocational leaders and present the kind of material I offer. As a bivocational pastor for 20 years I developed a passion for this ministry and a deep appreciation for those whom God has called to this ministry. I am committed to developing and presenting material that will be a help to these individuals.
If you are a denominational or judicatory leader who would like to offer some of this material to the pastors and lay leaders you serve, please contact me as soon as possible to begin discussing how I might be of assistance to you. If you are a pastor who would like this kind of training, please pass this post on to your denominational leader and ask him or her to consider inviting me in for one of these workshops. Thank you.
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