Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Family memories

This evening I was driving down the street towards our home when I saw a father and his son tossing a frisbee in the backyard.  I only glanced at them, but it was enough to remind me of so many afternoons and evenings spent with our children.  I remembered the times when I coached our son's little league teams and all the evenings he and I threw a baseball in the backyard.  I thought back to the times when our daughter would ride on a tractor with me and the pet duck she used to have.  Dozens of memories went through my mind, and I wished I could relive every one of them.  But, both of our children are grown now with children of their own.  The closest one lives two hours away so we don't see our children or grandchildren nearly as often as we would like.  As I continued to drive home I thought that I needed to include this on my blog just to remind the readers of how important it is to make memories with your families.

If you have young children at home just remember that they will grow up one day and leave home.  All the times you were too busy to spend even an hour with them will leave with them.  I know you're busy with a lot of responsibilities, and "one of these days you'll be able to spend more time with the family."  Just remember that you are making memories right now that will forever be etched on the minds of your family members.  Will those memories be about what a great pastor you were, or how many hours a week you put in at your job?  Or will they remember times in the back yard tossing a frisbee or a ball?  Will they remember the committee meetings you had to attend or will they remember the evenings you went to their school play and sat there smiling while they sang their songs?

Yes, God has called you into the ministry and given you important responsibilities, but if God has given you a family you have responsibilities towards them as well.  Probably, your church had pastors before you and will have other pastors after you leave.  But, what about your family?  I have always intended to be the only husband my wife will ever have and the only father my children ever know, and I have tried to create good, lasting memories for each of them.  I have to confess that I've failed at times, but overall I think I have succeeded for the most part. 

What kind of memories are you making for your loved ones?

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