Friday, August 7, 2009

Sermons outlines now available

Bivocational ministers are some of the busiest people in the world. Some weeks it can be very difficult to find the time to develop a sermon, and if you serve in a church where you have to preach two or three times every week it can be really rough. To help you with that I have added a new resource to my website. Every week or two I will put a new sermon outline on the web site that is free for you to use.

I encourage you to take the outline and make it your sermon. Use your own stories and illustrations. Use different texts that will better fit your congregation. You will likely find that my outline will trigger some thoughts leading to other sermons that will be much better than what I've provided. I found in 20 years of preaching to the same congregation every Sunday that sermon ideas can be found in some of the most unlikely places. One sentence in a book has led me to develop a whole series of sermons. Reading a sermon someone else wrote or listening to an audio of a sermon has help me develop a different sermon.

Each of the sermons I'll include have been preached by me to good reviews. Most will have been preached several times to different congregations. Go to the website and check out this week's message on discipleship, and please let me know if this is helpful to you.

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