Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reflections from a Goldwing

This morning I took a ride on my Goldwing. Sometimes I just need to feel the wind in my face, and this was one of those mornings. I only rode for about an hour, but it was time well spent as I prayed and worshipped God. Things often take on a different perspective on a bike than they do when riding in a car.

I noticed a home sitting back in the woods and couldn't help but think how peaceful a setting they lived in. Then I wondered how peaceful is it inside that home. As a friend once said to me, "We often never know what happens when someone closes the door behind them," and I have found that to be true. I prayed for the family who lived at the end of that lane cutting through the woods and asked God to help them experience peace in their lives.

I passed fields of corn and soybeans and thought of the farmers who would begin harvesting those crops. I prayed they would get a good return for their efforts. I passed some other fields that would obviously produce little if any crop. Both small and large fields had been flooded with all the rain we've had lately. The investment of time and money spent on those fields is lost for this year, and I prayed for those farmers and their families.

I noticed the woods that I passed and thought how in a few weeks the leaves will begin to change color adding beauty to those woods. I then began to thank God for His creation.

I passed a church with a sign that read, "God is good. God is just." I thought how true that is. I began to think of how many times God has reached into my life and worked things out that I wasn't sure could be worked out. I thought about His grace and how much I appreciate receiving that grace every single day. I began to thank and praise Him for who He is and for all He has done in my life and in the lives of my family.

Too soon I was pulling back in my driveway, but it was a great time of worship.

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