Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Election 2023

 A few days have passed since the mid-term elections ended. A few critical races have yet to be decided, and the votes appear to be so close that recounts are a possibility. Georgia will have a run-off that will decide their next senator.

The election didn't go as many predicted. It had been widely assumed the Republicans would sweep the election. Even many Democrats were admitting they were in trouble. The Republicans won the majority in the House but a much smaller majority than predicted, but until the Senate races are finalized, we will not know who will control the Senate. It was certainly a far cry from the expected sweep that was predicted. I've found it amusing that some House Republicans have been asking what mandate Americans have given them from this election. From my point of view, there is no mandate from this election.

The election shows again how divided this nation is. Personally, I blame both Presidents Obama and Trump for the divisions that exist. Both were very polarizing individuals who did nothing to unite the country. Much blame also goes to Congress who for years has suffered embarrassingly low confidence numbers among Americans. At least, I would be embarrassed by those numbers; it doesn't seem to bother them very much.

Because Congress will have no clear majority in either house I do not expect much leadership from those elected to national leadership. Both sides will work very hard to keep the other side from accomplishing much for the good of the nation. The President has already said he will work with the Republicans but on his terms with many issues not up for consideration. In other words, we can expect the same lack of leadership for at least the next two years.

That's why I'm thankful I am not looking for political leaders to turn this nation around. I have often said in my sermons that the hope of this nation does not lie in the White House, the State House, the Courthouse or any other human institution. Our hope lies in God who alone can change the hearts of mankind. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 continues to provide me hope. Until and unless this nation returns to God and the principles He gave us there is no hope for a better America, but He has promised to heal the land in which His people pray, confess their sins, and seek Him once again. That, my friends, is where our hope lies.

I hope you voted because I believe every vote is important. But more than that I encourage you to be on your knees seeking God for a national revival. The future of our nation and that of our grandchildren depends on such a revival. 

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