Friday, February 12, 2021

A broken nation

 Growing up in the 1950s and 60s we kept hearing that we were making a better world for ourselves and future generations. That optimistic thought did not come to pass. As a nation we haven't been as divided as we are today since the Civil War. We don't just disagree with people who hold different opinions; we seek to destroy them. We see this played out today in Congress with the current impeachment proceedings. Every day more and more of our freedoms are taken from us all in the guise of national security or health reasons. Our children continue to fall behind those in other countries educationally. Our moral standards have fallen to all time lows. The cancel culture threatens anyone who holds any opinion the elite considers politically incorrect. Prejudice, racism, domestic abuse and injustices continues to be prevalent throughout our nation. Alcohol abuse, drug usage, violence, depression and suicide continue to skyrocket.

As I have written many times in this blog, everything rises and falls on leadership. It has been said that a nation gets the leadership it deserves, and this is true. We have few national political office holders today who are interested in the welfare of our nation. You'll notice I didn't call them leaders. They are interested in satisfying their base supporters and financial donors, not in the best interest of the nation as a whole. While there are exceptions in both parties, these exceptions are few. They focus more on grandstanding before the television cameras than on trying to solve the problems facing our nation. Unfortunately, we keep re-electing them to office.

As tempting as it is to blame all our problems on our political office holders, and these people do need to be replaced, the real answer to our national problems is spiritual. We have abandoned the teachings of Scripture as it relates to morality, justice, and love for one another. We have become a nation that now calls good evil and evil good. We pass laws that legalize that which God calls evil and silence anyone who challenges those laws. Until our nation returns to following  God and the standards of living His Word teaches we will remain a broken nation.

In the past when our nation was in peril God sent forth a Great Awakening. It has happened twice in our nation's history. There are been lesser revivals that also occurred in our nation. Each of these came because the church took seriously the mandate of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and began to repent of its sins and seek the face of God. Will that happen now, or will we continue to move further away from God and closer to total chaos? Perhaps the question should be, can this happen again since so many churches and denominations have chosen to follow the politically-correct crowd and abandon the teachings of Scripture themselves? Will you join me in praying for our broken nation that we might once again become one nation under God?

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