Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Remember this after an election

Another election is behind us, and the next one won't begin until about tomorrow! Some of the people I voted for were elected and some were not. As I write this post tonight some of the races are still too close to call but it appears the predictions were right...the Democrats will take control of the House and the Republicans will maintain control of the Senate. This means we will continue seeing nothing done by Congress except the constant political bickering and obstruction which has kept the approval ratings for Congress at numbers that should embarrass every person who serves there. Still, those numbers and the lack of leadership found in today's government does not prevent incumbents from being re-elected to office. I suppose the old adage is right: People get the government they deserve.

There are two things I like to remind myself after an election. The Bible commands us to pray for those in authority over us. If you feel you cannot pray for someone you did not vote for or support, remember that Paul wrote those words when Nero was the ruler over the Roman empire. Christians need to make it a habit to regularly pray for our government leaders.

The second thing I like to remind myself is that my hope is not found in our political system. My hope is in Christ. Our salvation will not come from the White House, the State House or the Court House. I believe we are to involve ourselves in the political process by supporting and voting for those persons who best represent our values, and we are to pray for all those in political office, but our hope is in Christ. He will have the ultimate word, and one day He will come back to reign forever.

America needs revival. We need God to pour out His Spirit upon this nation as He has done in its early history. That revival must begin in God's house, the church. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 remains as true today as it was when it was first written. The church has played around too long offering shallow programs and anemic preaching which cannot lead to personal transformation. We have been content to entertain people in the hopes we could grow our churches. We should be more concerned about teaching God's Word which would grow people's souls. Until we have more people coming to our prayer meetings than we have attending our pitch-in dinners revival will never happen.

Pray for our elected officials, but don't stop there. Pray that God will forgive the church for its failure to proclaim the Word of God without compromise. As you pray admit the pride that has filled so many churches that led them to believe they could do their work without the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us confess our sins and seek the face of God and ask Him to heal our land.

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