Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Small church and bivocational seminars

This past year is the first year in a long time I did not lead any seminars for bivocational and small church leaders. Since I was serving as a Transitional Pastor throughout 2017 I did not really advertise those seminars very much. Now, as my time in this church is starting to wind down I want to highlight those seminars once again.

There are several seminars I offer.

  • "The Healthy Small Church"  This is the one I am most asked to lead and is based on my book by the same title.
  • "Bivocational Ministry in the 21st Century" This seminar looks specifically at issues especially relevant to bivocational ministers and the churches they serve. Much of the content comes from my 20 years of serving as a bivocational pastor and the research I've done as I've written on the topic.
  • "The Healthy Pastor" In this seminar I address many of the issues that many pastors struggle with that can lead to burnout and other problems.
  • "Transforming the Small Church from Maintenance-Minded to Missional" This has been my second most requested seminar. Too many small churches are stuck in ruts they've been in for years. I challenge them to abandon those ruts and look at how they can engage in ministering to their communities.
I have also done special seminars and workshops for organizations that asked me to address specific issues. If this is something you need, I would be glad to work with you in preparing something for your church leadership.

These seminars have been given to church leaders from a variety of denominations in the US and Canada. Some of our terms might be different, but the challenges we face are similar regardless of our denominational tribes.

Each of these are available in a day-long (six hour) format, a half-day format, or as an hour-long workshop depending on the host's needs.

Since I will remain serving as a Transitional Pastor through August I will limit the number of seminars I lead prior to that. If you are interested in having me work with your small church and bivocational leaders, please contact me soon so I can get you on my schedule. You can email me at

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