For twenty years I served as the bivocational pastor of a small, rural church in Indiana, and for the past thirteen years I have served as a Resource Minister with the American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky. Although I serve churches of all sizes, the majority of the churches in my Area are smaller churches, many of them bivocational. I have published eight books on bivocational and small church ministry. Obviously, I have a passion for such ministry.
The purpose of this seminar is two-fold: I want to encourage the individuals who have accepted the call to bivocational ministry and the churches they serve, and I want to give them information that will help them in their ministry. Sometimes, churches with bivocational leadership struggle with self-esteem issues, especially if they have called a bivocational minister after having a fully-funded pastor. Many bivocational ministers struggle with doubts about their ministry and often feel isolated and forgotten. My seminar addresses these problems.
In the seminar we look at
- how common bivocational ministry is today and address how we should measure success in ministry.
- some of the advantages of bivocational ministry to the church and to the minister's family.
- some of the unique challenges of bivocational ministry and the ministry challenges we all face in ministry today.
- how to prepare for bivocational ministry and the importance of being a life-long learner.
- how to maintain balance in five areas of our lives while serving as a bivocational minister.
Some of the material from this seminar comes out of my book The Bivocational Pastor: Two Jobs, One Ministry
Hi Dennis, I would like to attend your conference if you are having one close to the Midwest area. I am in Wisconsin . pastor Anthony Luckett. Rev.Luckett@gmail.com
I do not have anything scheduled in that area at this time. Please contact your judicatory leaders and encourage them to schedule me for a conference. I would love to lead one in that area.
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