Yesterday while browsing the available books for the NOOK
A few days ago we were in a Barnes & Noble store looking at books. I saw a couple I was interested in reading but decided to wait until I returned home to compare prices. In the store one book was $21.95; on the NOOK it was $12.95. That is a pretty substantial savings, and when you read over 50 books a year like I do that adds up real quick! I can highlight important thoughts just as in a regular book, but then I can simply click on "content" and find all the highlighted statements on one page. I've downloaded a Bible on the device so I always have a Bible with me without having to carry another book. It has really proven to be convenient.
Of course, these devices are changing how we read. Bookstores are closing, especially those that did not offer electronic formats, and publishing companies are being forced to change how they conduct business. But, what isn't changing these days.
One of these electronic readers can save you some significant money over the course of a year. That is always a good thing for a bivocational minister. Plus, you get convenience and the ability to carry a large bookshelf full of books on one small device about the size of one book. It's something to think about.
There are two available on Kindle: The Healthy Pastor: Easing the Pressure of Ministry and The Tentmaking Pastor: The Joy of Bivocational Ministry
If you take your Nook with you to B&N, you can read the titles available for free for one hour while in the store and see if the book is worth purchasing...
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