Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Transformation is a word I find myself thinking a lot about right now and writing a lot about.  As I read the New Testament I find that people's lives were transformed when they encountered Jesus Christ.  Blind men could see; people were healed of illnesses that had impacted their entire lives; even people who had made poor choices in life found forgiveness and experienced transformation. 

Such transformation continued after Jesus' resurrection.  The disciples were changed from men who hid behind locked doors to men who could not be silenced.  Persecutors of the early church (Saul) were transformed into mighty witnesses for Christ.  Thousands of men and women gave their lives for their new faith rather than be silent about the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

I have to ask where is that transforming power today?  As I visit different churches each week I see too many that are just going through the motions.  They are structured and orderly and dead.  Cobwebs are growing in their baptismal pools.  Their prayers lack passion.  The congregation is graying and shrinking.  People who live around the corner from the church may not be able to direct someone to it.  Too many ministers are hanging on until retirement and wonder why they ever chose to enter the ministry in the first place.

The purpose of the church is to introduce people to Jesus Christ that their lives would be transformed forever.  We are to become new creatures in Christ.  I believe we need to look at everything we are doing in our churches to determine now many of them are actually helping people live transformed lives.

Since I believe that everything rises and falls on leadership we in leadership positions must first be living transformed lives.  We need to be spending time with God every day in prayer and study of Scripture.  We need to look at God's call on our lives with fresh eyes and see how the ministry He has given us is impacting the lives of those we touch.  I don't know what this might mean for you and your ministry, but I do know that I'm spending more time these days looking at my own life and ministry and trying to see where transformation needs to occur.  It's rather unsettling, but I think it's necessary if we want to be faithful to God's call on our lives.

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