Friday, October 17, 2008

Web sites

Studies have found that a church web site is one of the best ways to reach people under 30 years of age. Larger churches know this. George Barna recently reported that 91% of churches that average 250 adults or more on Sunday morning have web sites. Only 48% of the churches that attract 100 or less adults have a web site. While this number is up substantially from only a few years ago, it still represents less than one-half of the smaller churches.

Web sites do not have to be expensive. In fact, some denominations make a site available to their churches at little or no cost. Even if you purchase a site it doesn't have to cost thousands of dollars to create and maintain. Your church can have a nice site for less than $20.00 a month, and that is very inexpensive outreach.

I would recommend you speak to your denominational leaders and see what they may offer. They may also be able to point you to some companies that would host your site for very little cost. Most smaller and bivocational churches say they want to attract younger people to their churches, and if we are going to seriously attempt to do so then we must use the technology they use. A web site is a good place to start.

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