Monday, October 15, 2007


My wife and I are celebrating our 41st anniversary today! We've spent some time the past few days reflecting on how far God has brought us in 41 years. The first ten years we were married we were not Christians, and we had a lot of hard times. We've also had our share of difficult times in the last 31 years, but we found them much easier to handle because of the strength we drew from our relationship with Jesus Christ.

People often tell me that I married a great woman, and they will not get any argument from me. She has consistently supported me in every thing I have ever wanted to do. A bivocational minister better have the support of his or her spouse, and Faye has given me that support. Every mistake I have made has been against her advice, but never once has she ever said, "I told you so." We've been through a lot together, and I can truthfully say that I love her even more now than I did when we first married.

Because we both have to work today we enjoyed an anniversary dinner Friday evening. It gave us some time to just sit and talk about our lives together and how blessed we feel being married to one another. So many people today are not happy in their relationships which makes us even more thankful that God brought us together so many years ago. This morning I lay in bed before getting up and thanked God for Faye and for our years together and asked Him to allow us to enjoy many more years as husband and wife.

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