Friday, July 27, 2018

The greatest need of the church

If you asked a number of churches what they needed most you would likely get a myriad of responses. As a regional leader in our denomination for 14 years I had the opportunity to pose that question to numerous churches. I was told they needed

  • More young families
  • More children and youth
  • More volunteers
  • More money
  • More effective strategies for ministry and evangelism
  • More commitment from their members
  • A greater willingness to change
  • Lay leaders with spiritual depth
  • Better trained pastors
  • More denominational support
  • And the list goes on...
While any of these might be helpful, I'm not sure these are really what the church needs most. Ask most church leaders what the worst attended event is in their church, and many of them would say the mid-week prayer meeting (that is if their church still has one).

I've reached the age where people begin rolling their eyes when I begin a statement with "I can remember when...." I get that, and sometimes I roll my eyes as well when others say those words. But, I can remember when many of the churches in our area had a mid-week prayer meeting. I have to wonder if there is a correlation between the decline of such meetings and the reduced impact our churches have on today's society.

Back in 2001 Leonard Sweet wrote Carpe MaƱana in which he asked an important question. He wrote, "The church has tried everything except the one thing that is needed. It has tried to be an inclusive church. It has tried to be a confessional church. It has tried to be a program-driven church. It has tried to be a purpose-driven church. It has tried to be a seeker-sensitive church. What if it tried to be a spiritual church?"

The early church met daily for prayer, worship, instruction, and fellowship. They overcame seemingly impossible challenges to turn the world upside down. Study church history and see if you can find a genuine revival that did not begin with prayer.

2 Chronicles 7: 14 still says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (Emphasis added)

 It has been said that the army of God is the one army that marches on its knees, but we haven't spent much time on our knees lately. I contend the greatest need of the church is for it to fall on its knees and begin to pray that God would begin to heal our land. We need to pray for the lost in our communities. We need to pray for those who are hurting and those who suffer from injustice.  Finally, we need to pray and ask God how we can reach out in love and allow those for whom we've prayed to experience Him in a way that will transform their lives.

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