Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mark your calendars

I am scheduled to lead a number of workshops for bivocational ministers in 2008. If you are in the area I hope you will make plans now to attend. Current workshop topics include:

  • "Bivocational Ministry for the 21st Century" - This workshop looks at the direction bivocational ministry is taking and how to enjoy a successful ministry as a bivocational leader or church. It also examines the unique challenges that exist for the bivocational minister and the church being served.
  • "The Healthy Small Church" - In this workshop we explore various aspects of church health specifically as they relate to the smaller church. We also examine helpful diagnostic tools and suggest ways to help return a church to a healthier ministry.
  • "Maintaining Balance in the Bivocational Minister's Life" - This workshop looks at the various demands that are on a bivocational minister and how he or she can balance those demands and enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life.
  • "Congregational Care vs Pastoral Care" - Because of the many demands that exist on a bivocational minister it is important to shift the congregation's expectations that the pastor will always be available to minister during times of stress. A more biblical approach is that the church will minister to one another. This workshop explains how to help the congregation change its expections and how to train the church to minister to one another and to their community.

These workshops are structured for either an hour's presentation, a half day, or a full day's presentation. Currently I am scheduled to present one of these workshops at the following locations:

On February 1-2, 2008 I will lead two workshops at a Deacon/Pastor/Spouse retreat in Bowling Green, KY for the Kentucky Baptist Convention. The details for this retreat have not been finalized and will be posted on this site when they become available.

I will be speaking at three events from April 6-12, 2008 for the American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains. Each of these will be day long conferences in different cities in Colorado and Wyoming.

I will lead two workshops from April 22-25 at the National Clergy Conference led by the American Baptist Churches at Green Lake, WI.

I am scheduled to lead workshops in October in New Brunswick, Canada. Dates and locations have not been finalized.

If you would like me to come to your area and speak to your bivocational ministers and churches, please contact me as soon as possible with your dates. Due to my other responsibilities I must limit my speaking engagements and can only accept a few more.

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