Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The funeral

We had Dad's funeral service yesterday. It was a difficult time for each of us, but we were surrounded by friends and family who brought us a great deal of comfort and support. My children kept reminding me to remember all the things I've told others who had lost loved ones. Today, everyone has returned to their homes so it's a little quiet. I have some time to reflect on Dad and his impact on my life and the lives of so many people. Over 700 people came to the viewing on Saturday evening which I think shows some of his impact on others.

I want to thank each of you for keeping us in your prayers these past few days. Without God's support I do not know how we would have survived the ups and downs of the previous week and a half. Once again, He has proven Himself to be faithful to His children, and we praise Him for that.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences here. I'm presently going through the same thing with my father now. He's 75, and was recently diagnosed with cancer that has spread to his brain. There's a sadness, but also an absolute peace that comes from knowing that nothing we face escapes God's notice. Your family is in our prayers. Be blessed with the knowledge that God's grace will be sufficient.

Dennis Bickers said...

Thanks, Gobel, for your prayers, and I will be praying for your family as well. I also want to thank the many of you who have sent e-mails and cards expressing your sympathy and prayers. Our Christian family has really gathered around us, and it has been a source of much comfort.