Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hope is not a strategy

Today I led some church leaders through an all day visioning retreat. We spent the day discussing vision, exploring Scripture, praying, and seeking God for a fresh vision for their church. As we wrapped up the day they identified some possible directions their church could take as they attempt to reach their community for Jesus Christ.

Too many churches are content to drift along from week to week hoping that something good will happen to them. Hope is not a strategy! If we want to see our churches grow and provide quality ministry to our communities we must seek God's vision for our churches and have the courage to pursue that vision. Seldom does anything worthwhile come while we merely drift along without any plan and purpose.

Does your church have a God-given vision? Can every member of your congregation tell others what that vision is? What goals have been set to achieve that vision? Who has been given specific responsibility to see that vision fulfilled? How will you know that your vision has been achieved? These are all excellent questions for the leadership of a church to answer together as they plan the future ministry of the church.

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