Friday, April 20, 2007


Many business leaders have found the value in having a personal coach to help them set goals and develop the action plans necessary to achieve those goals. Some companies provide a coach for their senior leaders to help them lead the company. It is also a great tool when a person gets stuck and isn't sure which way to turn. Coaches can listen to the issues involved and help lead the person being coached to find the best solutions that will enable them to move forward.

Ministers are now finding that having a coach is also a good investment, especially if they or their churches are going through a time of transition. Coaches do not claim to have all the answers. Instead, coaches ask powerful questions to help guide a person to find the answer that is already inside them. Coaches also challenge the person being coached to set specific things he or she will do and then hold them accountable to do them before their next session.

I am in the process of being certified as a Christian coach. Many of the people I have coached are bivocational ministers from all over America. Each of these ministers felt stuck in some aspect of their lives or ministries, and we were able to help them find direction and set priorities for their lives. I would love to work with you if you feel that coaching could be beneficial to your continued growth.

Coaching sessions are normally done over the telephone so it doesn't matter how far away you may live from your coach. I live in southern Indiana, but my coach lives in Atlanta. Some of our sessions have occurred while she was sitting in airports waiting for her flight. My coach helped me find some clear direction regarding some issues that had me stuck, and it is exciting for me to be able to help others experience the same thing in their lives. If you are interested in learning more about coaching contact me at


Anonymous said...

Dear Dennis, I have talked with you over the years. I am ben Williams, the African American who used to work at LifeWay Christian Book Store for over 25 years. I have a book that deals with the Associate Minister in the Local Church, many of whom I know are in Bivocational Ministries. i would have lived to collaborated with you on this new project.

In HIS Service,

Pastor Benny L Williams

Dennis Bickers said...

Good evening Ben,

It's good to hear from you again. Is your book published so I can get a copy of it? I agree that many associates are bivocational, and I'm convinced that we will see that increase in the near future. That is one area of bivocational ministry I have not addressed in my writings, but it will become more important in coming years.