Monday, September 17, 2018

Flee not fight temptation

By now you've probably seen the viral video of the Weather Channel reporter fighting the winds and water while giving his report while two teenagers are seen calmly walking behind him. It's a wonderful example of how the news, including the weather, is presented in a way that is not necessarily accurate. The Weather Channel has claimed that their reporter was trying to maintain his footing on wet grass while the teens are walking on concrete. So, was the reporter not smart enough to leave the wet grass for the solid footing the concrete obviously provided? It's a hilarious clip that won't soon be forgotten.

But, it does offer insight into a much bigger issue. How many of us are fighting temptations that threaten to overwhelm us rather than fleeing from them? Numerous times in Scripture the apostle Paul tells us to flee from temptations. Fighting temptations can result in our losing the battle, and many of us often experience those losses. Fleeing from them gives us a much better chance of being victorious over them.

An alcoholic should not go into a bar but should avoid places where he will be tempted to drink. Recovering drug addicts need to find new friends and avoid the old ones who will provide fresh temptations. Many marriages have been destroyed in recent years due to old flames reconnecting on social media. Just because someone gives you a friend request doesn't mean you have to accept it. There are people you don't need to have contact with on social media.

Speaking of social media, it seems many Christians are unable to resist commenting on posts with which they disagree. It does the Kingdom of God no good for Christians to engage in battles with unbelievers and other Christians on social media. A few times I've wanted to challenge something I read but refrained because I knew it would only result in an online argument that would accomplish nothing. For those of you who don't know, it's OK to read something online with which you disagree and not comment on it.

Fighting temptations is often like trying to walk on wet, slick grass in 90 MPH winds. Life is much easier if you just walk away to the more solid footing of the concrete.

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