Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What do people really want?

Jay Leno used to do a regular skit in which he would go into the community and ask people questions about political leaders, how the government works, and general questions about hot topics of the time. Many of the people he interviewed had no idea what he was talking about. Many of the questions could have been answered by many elementary school age children who had been exposed to American history or civics. I would keep thinking to myself, "And these people vote???"

Since the election there have been numerous protests such as we are seeing now that a new Supreme Court justice has been selected by the President. Various people have done on-the-field interviews with some of the protesters. Many of them had no idea why they were there or what they were upset about. In a pre-election clip on the Jimmy Kimmel Show Clinton supporters were given quotes made by Trump during the campaign and told Clinton had made those comments. Virtually every person interviewed said they agreed with the statement when told Clinton had made it.

The sad fact is that many of the most vocal protesters are clueless about why they are protesting or what differences they might actually have with the President and his policies. Usually, the louder someone screams the less they actually have to say. They substitute volume for substance. If someone does legitimately disagree they are able to discuss and debate their differences calmly and rationally by making clear points as to their disagreement. They are not reduced to character assignation and cruel, baseless remarks as we are currently seeing played out in the media.

What's even sadder is that the same thing happens in churches. People who do not regularly read their Bibles, are spiritually immature, and unaware of what is being done in the church are often the most opposed to change. Because they have no real reason for their opposition other than it isn't what they want, they get loud. They attempt to intimidate. They threaten to leave if they do not get their way. They pout and sulk. They stay away from the church for a period of time to get even with those who did not cave in to their demands.

At times you have to wonder what it is they really want. For some, they want to feel they are in control. Others want to keep things the way they are because that's what makes them comfortable. Because they are biblically ignorant, they do not know what the church is to be about or even how they are to live as mature Christian individuals.

As we watch the protesters rant and rave we have to wonder what they really want. If the interviews I mentioned are reliable, I'm not sure they know what they want. They know they are against something, but they're not sure what. They want things to be different, but many of them cannot articulate what that is either.

A friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day "I want the America I grew up in back." I responded "I want the same thing." I'm not sure that will happen.

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