Friday, June 17, 2016

Finding my books

I recently put a link to one of my books on a Twitter feed. An individual told me the link was to the book on Kindle and he wanted a hard copy. He asked if it was available on hard copy. It is.

All of my ministry books are published in paperback and can be found on, CBD, and in many Christian bookstores. My first book, The Tentmaking Pastor: The Joy of Bivocational Ministry, is out of print but you can find used copies for sale on Amazon. They also sell it for Kindle devices.

The only book I've written that has not been published in hard copy is a business book I wrote called Mistakes: Avoiding the Wrong Decisions That Will Close Your Small Business. It is available for Kindle devices from Amazon and on NOOK at Barnes and Noble's site.

If you scroll down to the bottom of this site you will see you can also order my books directly from me. You will need to send me a check as this site isn't set up to accept credit cards, so it's a little inconvenient, but I did want to make this option available.

Each of my books were really works of passion for me. The ministry books focus primarily on issues specifically faced by smaller and bivocational churches and leaders. This particular ministry has been my focus throughout my 35 years of ministry. When I served my church as a bivocational pastor for 20 years I found there was very little in the way of resources especially designed for us. People tell me my books have been helpful to them which is very rewarding to me.

The business book came out of my personal experience of having to close a small business we owned. As I reflected back on what happened I realized that the primary reason the business failed was due to mistakes I made as its leader. I wrote the book to help others avoid those same mistakes.

I'm working on a couple more books at this time and hope to complete at least one of them by the end of the year. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue my writing.

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