Monday, March 24, 2014

Life's unexpected surprises

As a Baby Boomer approaching retirement age it's often funny to read some of the differences between when we were younger and our lives today.  One of my favorites is "When we were young we listened to the Rolling Stones; now we have rolling stones."  After this past weekend that may not be one of my favorites any more.

In an earlier post I commented on how much I enjoyed speaking at a small church conference this past weekend in Boston.  What nobody knew until now is that when I arrived in Boston I was beginning to pass a kidney stone.  I suspected what was happening because this is not the first time I've experienced this.  Nothing like thinking that you may have a kidney stone when you are several hundreds of miles away from home in a place you've never been.  Fortunately, although some symptoms continued during my trip there was no pain involved, and I was able to complete my assignment and return home without incident.  On Tuesday morning the stone passed.  It was small enough that it caused only minor discomfort, but it did create a lot of uncertainty during the process!

I've had one stone that was large enough that it had to be surgically removed, and a couple that created enough pain that I went to the hospital ER.  No kidney stone is a pleasant experience, but they pale in contrast to what others are experiencing.  A couple of my Facebook minister friends have reported on their sites in the past two weeks that they have been diagnosed with cancer.  Another FB friend recently shared that his college-age daughter has also been diagnosed with cancer and is currently seeking advice on how to best address it.  I know another pastor who has just been released from the hospital after spending weeks in Intensive Care and rehab. 

We often go through life thinking we know what the future holds when, in realty, none of us does.  An accident, a diagnosis, a betrayal are only a few of the things that can change our best-laid plans.  Many of us, including myself, want to be in control of our lives, but life has a funny way of reminding us that we are not.  It is during such times that I wonder once again how people can handle life's unexpected surprises without God.  Even more, I wonder why they would want to.

Life may often catch us by surprise, but it never catches God by surprise.  He understands what we are going through.  Although I often wish that he would protect us from the negative events that come into our lives he does not.  He does guarantee that he will never leave us nor forsake us as we walk through all the things that come into a person's life.  It was a promise I reminded him about several times in the past few days, and a promise that always brings me comfort.

Anyone involved in ministry for a length of time will find an abundance of surprises!  No matter how long one is in ministry people will continue to surprise us with their immaturity, their expectations, their lack of vision, and sometimes their mean spirits.  Fortunately, we will also be surprised by those who will excite us with their rapid spiritual growth, their passion for the things of God, their willingness to serve, and their unconditional love.  And, when we are with either groups of people, God is there with us.

My prayer for you is that the next time you are in the midst of one of life's unexpected surprises you will experience the presence of God and know the peace that comes with that presence.  Sometimes that may be the only thing you have to hold onto for a season, but I've been through enough of those kinds of times that I know that is enough to sustain you. 

Have a blessed week!

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