Friday, August 9, 2013

The reality facing many smaller churches

Leadership guru Max DePree is well known for stating that the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.  I agree with that statement, and as one who has spent a lifetime providing leadership to smaller churches I want to define the reality that many of them are facing.  In my opinion, the reality is that many of them are near the end of their ministries.  Thousands of churches in the US close every year, and I think we will see that trend continue.  Most of those churches are probably smaller churches although I have not seen any statistics to prove that.  Let me briefly touch on some of the reasons for my reality check and then offer a word of hope.  Why are so many smaller churches struggling and some closing?
  • There are fewer pastors willing to serve in these churches.  Pastors who come out of seminary often carry a lot of student debt and realize that debt will not easily be paid back from the salaries smaller churches often offer.  Some come out of larger, suburban churches and want to return to those types of churches when they graduate from seminary.  Others believe it is not a good use of their spiritual gifts to serve in a smaller church.  Regardless of the specific reasons, studies have found that many pastors simply will not serve a smaller church.  I'm not agreeing with any of these reasons but merely stating ones that have been given.
  • More and more smaller churches are seeking bivocational leadership.  Few bivocational ministers can easily relocate due to their other employment that limits pastoral searches to a smaller geographic area.  There are not a lot of pastors currently serving in fully-funded positions willing to accept a bivocational church, have to move to a new location, and begin searching for other employment to supplement their church income.  When the first and second reasons are added together one can quickly see that finding pastors for these churches is often difficult.
  • One of the essentials for a healthy, growing church is strong pastoral leadership.  For various reasons many pastors are unable to provide such leadership.  For some, it is because they have not been trained to be leaders.  Seminaries tend to develop managers, not leaders.  Others struggle to provide leadership because they are not leaders.  It's not how they are wired.  Many small church pastors are not permitted by controllers in the church to lead.  Any effort to provide leadership is quickly halted by immature controllers who have been allowed by the congregation to exercise their dysfunction on the entire church body.
  • Look into many smaller churches and you will likely see a lot of gray hair.  These churches are often aging, and as members become unable to attend church due to death or illness they are not replaced by younger persons.  There are many reasons for this, but certainly one reason is that everything the church does is geared for their older members.  Many smaller churches do little that would attract younger persons to become involved in the life of the church. 
  • Finances are often a problem.  It is well established that younger generations do not tithe or give to the church as the builder and boomer generations do.  Many smaller churches also do not make it easy to contribute.  I read an article this week that showed that check writing among young people is almost a thing of the past.  I know many young people who simply do not write checks.  Everything is done with a debit card or by direct withdrawal.  How many smaller churches do you know who offers the opportunity for people to give through either of those means?
  • Many smaller churches have forgotten why they exist.  Some are so focused on survival they have forgotten they exist for mission.  Although they may say the right words about outreach and mission, the reality is they have not seen anyone brought to Christ in years (decades?).  One pastor told me he was preparing for the first baptism that church had experienced in 50 years!  Unless a church understands its God-given purpose and is attempting to live it out one must question whether it is good stewardship for that church to continue.
  • Even more of these churches have no vision for ministry.  They merely drift along from week to week hoping that someday something good will happen.  God has a unique vision for each church, and it is the responsibility for the church and its leadership to discern that vision and begin to live into it.  Scripture is correct that without a vision the people perish, and so do churches.
I could list even more issues, but this is enough.  I promised a word of hope, and here it is.  Those churches that address these problems and begin to correct them can enjoy a productive ministry.  I do not believe any small church has to close, BUT if they are not willing to confront the reasons why they are moving in that direction it is unlikely they will survive.  If you are in a struggling church I encourage you to read down through the issues I've listed and ask if any of them are part of the reality your church is facing now.  If so, what can you do about it?  I'm here to help if you've got questions.

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