Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I just added several new subscribers to my free monthly e-newsletter for bivocational ministers.  If you serve in such capacity or work with bivocational ministers you should request this valuable resource.  It is also a great resource for lay leaders in such churches.  On the first of each month this newsletter goes out to hundreds of people just like you who have found it addresses the unique challenges of bivocational ministry.

Each month you will find articles that speak to some issue that is relevant to bivocational ministers, information about upcoming training events I am leading, and a book review of a recently read book that I believe will be helpful to my readers.  There is no cost for the newsletter and I will never sell or give your mailing address to anyone.

For twenty years I served as a bivocational pastor of a small church in southeastern Indiana and for the past 11 years I have worked as a judicatory minister with special responsibililities for the smaller churches in our Region.  I have great respect for persons who serve as bivocational ministers and believe their numbers will continue to grow across most denominations in the future.  This newsletter is just one of several resources I make available to assist them in their work.  Contact me if you are interested in being added to the mailing list and you'll start receiving your newsletters in February.

1 comment:

Dr. McMillion said...

Dr. Bickers your book entitle "The Healthy Pastor" is so awesome. Thank you Man of God for this book. I will share this with every Pastor I know. God Bless you. ~ Dr. Maurice McMillion