Friday, January 20, 2012

Heartland Bivocational Resource Center

The Heartland Bivocational and Small Church Resource Center is located on the campus of Campbellsville University and led by Rev. David Sandifer.  This center has been providing resources for bivocational ministers and the churches they serve since the late 1990s.  Watch this video about the ministry of the Center and an interesting interview Sandifer conducts with Rev. John Chowning, a bivocational pastor and Vice President of Church and External Relations at the university.  I have been friends with both of these individuals for a number of years and have appreciated their commitment to bivocational ministry.  I believe you'll enjoy this video and I encourage you to check out the resources available through the Center and Campbellsville University.  For anyone serving in bivocational ministry who may not have formal theological education I especially invite you to look at the certificate program for bivocational ministers available through Campbellsville.  I believe you will find it affordable and very beneficial to your ministry.

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