Monday, July 12, 2010

Thesis now available online

The thesis I wrote for my DMin is now available online at  My title is "Coaching Bivocational Ministers for Greater Ministry Effectiveness."  It describes the value coaching can provide as a training and support tool for bivocational ministers, and I believe for all clergy.  In the thesis you will read about the five persons who volunteered to be part of the project and some of the issues and challenges they were facing.  You willl also read how they found the solutions to some of those issues through the coaching relationship they had with me.  For me, it was a very interesting project that I believe shows a lot of promise for bivocational ministers and those who work with them.  I believe judicatory leaders should look at coaching as a important tool as they work with their ministers, both bivocational and fully-funded.

At the present time I am able to accept a few persons who would like to have a coach, but the number I can accept is small, so if you believe having a coach might be helpful to you I encourage you to contact me as soon as possible.  I am a certified coach through New Church Planting and have coached a number ministers, both bivocational and fully-funded.  Coaching can help anyone who is
  • Feeling stuck in life and/or ministry and needs help to move forward.
  • Facing a crossroads in their lives and ministers.
  • Trying to find a fresh vision for their lives and ministries.
  • Wanting to grow as an individual.
  • Needing help with challenges related to life, family, work, or ministry.
  • Willing to do the hard work that leads to transformation.
My fees are much lower than most life and executive coaches charge.  My thirty years of ministry experience and my coaching experience have prepared me to help you move forward, and I would enjoy the opportunity to work with you to help that happen.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you think you might be interested.  Just send me an e-mail and let me know you would like to discuss the possibility of entering into a coaching relationship.

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